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Ryan is the Director of Speech and Debate at The Potomac School, and also directed the American Heritage School in Broward, Florida from 2016-2024. He is a certified teacher with 17 years of classroom instruction and speech coaching experience. Ryan is the coach of 3-time NSDA Original Oratory national champion Esther Oyetunji. He also coached 2019 NSDA National Champion & 2017 Final Round Champion in Informative Speaking, Jordyn Allen. Ryan has coached champions and finalists at NSDA nationals, Harvard, Glenbrooks, Yale, UT Austin, GMU, and Emory. Recent finalists include 2021 Harvard finalists in Oratory, Informative, and Humor; 2021 NSDA National Qualifiers in Informative, Oratory, Humor, and more; the 2018 & 2019 TOC Informative Speaking champions, 2018 Harvard Informative Speaking champion, 2017 NSDA Informative Speaking runner-up (final round champion), 2017 NSDA Humorous Interp finalists, 2017 Harvard Original Oratory finalist, 2017 NCFL Original Oratory and DI finalists, 2016 Glenbrooks champions in Duo and Original Oratory, 2016 Harvard Humorous Interp champion, 2016 Emory Original Oratory champion, 2016 NSDA semi-finalists in Duo, HI, OO, and POI, and a 2014 NSDA Original Oratory finalist.


Camp Mascot

Alfie is excited to return to camp this summer to inspire, encourage, and to bark orders when he needs to. Alfie was the NSDA (National Speaking Dogs Association) national champion in Humorous Interp with his hilarious rendition of "Lady and the Tramp." He was also a finalist in Dramatic Interp, performing the classic "Old Yeller." Alfie knows that the best remedy for writer's block is belly rubs so come hang with the big dogs at AP Speech this summer. Don't forget to bring treats! 


Duval is the Assistant Director of the Stuyvesant High School Speech and Debate Team and a Communication Lecturer at the New York City College of Technology. He has coached multiple national finalists and champions at the high school and collegiate levels. His students’ recent successes include: 2018 Barkley Forum Champion in Oral Interp, 2017 Yale Runner-up in Program Oral Interpretation (POI), 2017 NSDA Semi-Finalist in Original Oratory, 2017 Harvard Finalists in Original Oratory, Duo, and POI, 2016 NCFL Finalist in Original Oratory and the 2016 NSDA National Champion in Poetry. As high school competitor, Duval was a finalist in Humorous Interp at Harvard and Duo Interp at NCFL Nationals. In college, he competed for George Mason University Forensics Team and was a national finalist in Dramatic Interpretation.


Camp Mascot

Mabel is the newest addition to our family...I mean, coaching staff. Coach Mabel is a no-nonsense interp coach. Her favorite performance style is the classic "Park & Bark" because she believes the best performances are the simplest ones. If you're lucky enough to be coached by this legend, you'll be asking yourself, "Who rescued whom?" 
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